Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Interesting Law Tutorial

First day cycle to campus in this semester.
First time cycle to campus with my cutest housemate,Huan Min.
Took lunch with Huan Min,James,Wei Zhen and their housemate.
We gave James(占姆斯)a new name today-母狮(female lion).
I kinda like this name.
I think he likes it too.
*evil grins*

Utar is really a "non-profit organisation".
They never provide enough parking lots for students but still recruiting so many newbies.
What they do at the end of the day?
They clamp their bicycles,motorbikes and even cars.
Poor students have to pay to Utar and unclamp their vehicles.

Went to Ms.Yap law tutorial.
She laughed non stop when she was telling us her story.
Here is the story.
She bought a ticket from KTM and she changed her mind to depart a day early.
She went to KTM and told the staff that the staff gave her the wrong ticket.
Then,she laughed and said," Actually there's no issue,I just want to leave a day early and I told them it was their fault to give me the wrong ticket"
Students laughed as well.
Not because of the "funny" story but due to her laughter.
It was really an evil grins!!
She was so enjoy with the incident.
She always SS(syok sendiri) during the tutorial.
So sweat.

Here comes another lame story.
Tracy: What is bound?
Me : Sort of tie,I think
Tracy: 带?(bring)
Me : =.= 约束。
Tracy: 椰树?(coconut tree)
Me : "Terikat" in Malay.
End up I wrote it on a piece of paper and shown her.
It was the first time I don't think is boring during law tutorial.

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